Conversation starter
Bank error in your favour!
You inherit or win £1m. What do you do now?
Opening Question
- How would you describe the hope for future of your friends and neighbours
- What hope do politicians present?
- As a result, how would you complete this: “The hope for the future of people in the UK is….”
Reading Scripture Together
Revelation 21:1-5
- What stands out to you in this passage today?
- Talk about how this passage describes the biblical future hope.
- “I am making all things new” – how do you understand this?
Discussion Questions
- What stands out to you from the video? What did you see afresh?
- What did you find different or challenging?
- Where can you see the Idea of “All Things New” reflected in this telling of the biblical story?

- What do you find helpful about the 3-fold framework?
- In what ways can you see de-creation at work in our world?
- How does the Christian hope change perspective on the areas of de-creation that we see in our world?
- Re-creation: What aspect of the hope described is now and what hope is to come?
Prayer ideas
Pick one
- Scripture Reflection: Read Genesis 1:31, Colossians 1:15-20, and Revelation 21:1-5 aloud. Encourage participants to pray in response to each passage, reflecting on God’s work of creation, redemption, and renewal.
- Cultural vs. Christian Hope Discussion: invite participants to pray for clarity and courage to live into the hope of God’s kingdom.
- Hope in Action Prayer: Write down one area where you want to see God bring newness (personal, local, or global). Share in small groups and pray for these hopes, trusting in God’s power to renew all things.